In celebration of TeenTober, the schools in our conference will be competing in Pageapalooza! From September 30th to October 27th, read as much for fun as you possibly can. Each school will have an individual winner. Within our conference, we will have a top school and top individual that will have bragging rights until next TeenTober! Last year, Waconda High School had the logged the most total number of minutes read as a school, and Aurelia C. from Lakes High School was the student who read the most total minutes for the month.
Important Dates
- Register via google form starting now! You may register at any time but may not count the minutes you read prior to registration.
- Pageapalooza starts September 30th and ends October 27th.
- Minute counts are due each week on Sunday at midnight via google form. Standings will be released weekly on Mondays
- The winners will be announced on October 28th.
- This year we will be counting minutes instead of pages!
- Books, magazines, graphic novels, audiobooks, rereads etc. all count!
- Reading must be for fun! SSR or independent reading books count.
- Submit your minute totals via google form each week before the deadline or else they will not count!
- You can use your own method, or our google sheet to keep track of your daily minute count. You will not turn this in, instead, you will use the google form to submit the total minutes you read each week.